суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

Photographic Collages Suspended in Plexiglas

Photographic Collages Suspended in Plexiglas:
Photographic Collages Suspended in Plexiglas photography paper collage art
Photographic Collages Suspended in Plexiglas photography paper collage art
Photographic Collages Suspended in Plexiglas photography paper collage art
Photographic Collages Suspended in Plexiglas photography paper collage art
Photographic Collages Suspended in Plexiglas photography paper collage art
Photographic Collages Suspended in Plexiglas photography paper collage art
Photographic Collages Suspended in Plexiglas photography paper collage art
Auckland-based artist Peter Madden gleans found images from old encyclopedias, back issues of National Geographic, and nature books to create his dense and nearly psychedelic collages suspended in perspex, also known as ‘safety glass’. Of his work Madden says “I consider myself a ‘Sculptographer’; a ‘post-conceptual photographer’. A mediator between genres and dimensions, between you, the other and I. I suppose I am an altogether different collagist, maybe a collagist of difference.” To see much more of his three dimensional work, check out this gallery. Images above courtesy Ryan Renshaw and EyeContact. (via junk culture)

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